"The Negro Protest" Kenneth B. Clark (1963)

The vivid conversations in The Negro Protest were conducted by Kenneth B. Clark, noted Negro pyschologist & author of Prejudice & Your Child, for National Educational Television & were produced by Henry Morgenthau with the staff of WGBH-TV in Cambridge, MA. For this book, Dr Clark has written a brief commentary on the interviews & the men he talked to.

Title: The Negro Protest - James Baldwin, Malcolm X
and Martin Luther King
Author: Kenneth B. Clark
Publisher: Beacon Press
Year: 1st Edition edition 1963
Number of pages: 56


:: Contents ::

Front Matter Page NA
Title Page and Credits Page NA
Contents Page NA
Body Page [1]
James Baldwin talks with Kenneth B. Clark Page [1]
Malcolm X talks with Kenneth B. Clark Page [15]
Martin Luther King talks with Kenneth B. Clark Page [33]
Back Matter Page [47]
Differences and Similarities by Kenneth B. Clark Page [47]
A Note About the Interviews Page [53]

The Negro Protest: James Baldwin; Malcolm X; Martin Luther King
Boston: The Beacon Press, 1963 (first edition)

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O mně / About me

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