"February 1965, THE FINAL SPEECHES: Malcolm X" Steve Clark (1992)

One of a series of volumes chronologically collecting speeches and interviews of Malcolm X, this volume contains 23 speeches and interviews from the final three weeks of his life before his assassination. Each speech or interview is preceded by a note providing pertinent historical and other contextual information. The appendix contains the text of the Basic Unity Program of the Organization of Afro-American Unity (founded by Malcolm in 1964), which was not drafted by Malcolm but was read and approved by him shortly before his death. This is a paperbound edition edited by Steve Clark originally published in 1992. (Annotation ©2010 Book News Inc. Portland, OR) 

Title: February 1965, THE FINAL SPEECHES: Malcolm X
Author: Steve Clark
Publisher: Pathfinger Press
Year: 1992 (The 1st edition)
Number of pages: 206


:: Contents ::

Trip to the south, February 3-4, 1965 --
My Death has been ordered --
Elijah is willing to sit and wait - I'm not --
Why I came to Selma --
The House negro and the field negro --
Britain and France, February 6-13, 1965 --
Time is on the side of the Africans against exploitation and oppression --
The Importance of unity --
I live for change and action --
Students as potential revolutionaries --
The Oppresses masses of the world cry out for action against the common oppressor --
The Worst human being is one who judges another by the color of his skin --
The Fight against racism from South Africa to Australia to the U.S.A. --
The Last week February 14-21, 1965 --
Educate our people in the science of politics --
There's a worldwide revolution going on --
Not just an American problem, but a world problem --
I think with my own mind --
Free to participate in the struggle --
A Global rebellion of the oppressed against the oppressor --
We are demanding an investigation --
There is a conspiracy to kill me --
The Black Muslim movement: an assessment --
One big force under one banner --
A Note on Malcolm X's last two days --
Additional interviews --
We have to learn how to think --
We are fighting for respect and recognition as human beings for all black Americans --
Appendix: basic unity program, organization of Afro-American unity.

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O mně / About me

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