"Malcolm X Talks to Young People" Malcolm X (1965)

This expanded edition includes four talks and an interview given to young people in Ghana, the United Kingdom, and the United States in the last months of his life. Among the new material in this edition is the entire December 1964 debate presentation by Malcolm X at the Oxford Union in the United Kingdom, in print for the first time anywhere. The collection concludes with two memorial tributes by a young socialist leader to this great revolutionary, whose example and words continue to speak the truth for generation after generation of youth. With a new preface and an expanded photo display of 17 pages.

Title: Malcolm X Talks to Young People
Author: Malcolm X
Publisher: Pathfinder Books Ltd
Year: 1965
Number of pages: 32
Link to E-Book: Here


:: Contents ::

Part 1: In Africa I'm not an American, I'm a Victim of Americanism
I'm not an American, I'm a victim of Americanism

Part 2: In Britain: Any Means Necessary to Bring About Freedom the Oppressed Masses of the World Cry Out for Action Against the Common Oppressor
Any Means Necessary to Bring About Freedom
The Oppressed Masses of the World Cry Out for Action Against the Common Oppressor

Part 3: In The United States: See for yourself, Listen for yourself, Think for yourself, the American System of Exploitation and Oppression
See for yourself, Listen for yourself, Think for yourself
The American System of Exploitation and Oppression

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O mně / About me

Rozhovor s básníkem a spisovatelem Langston Hughesem (rozmlouvá Eva Corey, @WBAI, 13. 6. 1963)