"Malcolm X on Afro-American History" Malcolm X (1967)


Title: Malcolm X on Afro-American History 

Author: Malcolm X

Introduction: Steve Clark 

Publisher: Pathfinger Press 
Year: 1967 (The 1st edition) 
Number of pages: 95 
Link to E-Book: Here

:: Contents :: 

Publisher's preface 7 

Malcolm X on Afro-American history 11 

January 24, 1965 How Malcolm X studied Afro-American history 65 

Selections from The Autobiography of Malcolm Excerpts from other speeches of Malcolm X Study history 75 
The house Negro and the field Negro 75 
The missing 75 million 76 
Schoolbooks 76 
A poor comparison 77
The Mayflower 77 
What kind of allies? 78 
Our investment 79 Pay up! 79 
Selecting heroes 80 
The international power structure 81
Periods of advancement 82
Lessons of 1964 83 
Africa and self-hate 85 
Notes 87 
Index 89

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O mně / About me

Rozhovor s básníkem a spisovatelem Langston Hughesem (rozmlouvá Eva Corey, @WBAI, 13. 6. 1963)