The Nonce "Open Up" (2005*)

"We´re all black in the m*****ing days"

Unreleased tracks of The Nonce originally produced in 1997. ‎The Nonce is Sach and Yusef "Afloat" Muhammad and was a hip-hop duo from Los Angeles, California, that was active in the 1990s. The second member Yusef "Afloat" Muhammad was found dead on the side of Freeway 110 in Los Angeles on May 21, 2000.

Populární příspěvky z tohoto blogu

"Z průpovědí arabských" Zuzana Kudláčková (Litera Proxima, 2011)

Jiří Trnka

"Volání hrdličky" Taha Husajn ( SNKLU, 1964)

"Komise" Sun’alláh Ibráhim (Dar Ibn Rushd, 2005)

"Kniha dní" Taha Husain (Odeon, 1974)