The young Egyptian photographer Ali Rizq (1999-2023) passed away


Ali Rizq (1999-2023)

The young photographer Ali Rizq passed away, and these are his best works that he could photograph during his journey in the world of photography.

Ali Ahmed Abdul Wahab Rizq born on 16 November 1999 in a small village near Mansoura city in Egypt. The eldest son of a family of father, mother and four children His father passed away in 2020 after battling the disease and since that day he was not only an older brother but a father to his siblings and a support to his mother. He was meditating on God's creation with all his senses, he was so passionate about the sun that he spent many hours and nights documenting the moment it rose.

He was captivated by nature; trees, plants, birds and clouds, and when he started filming using his mobile phone as a hobby and found himself in it, he was able to create the scene he dreamed with the least available resources and with the help of nature as the hero of his work, and the presence of his middle brother in most of the picture as an element to convey the interconnection between his dreams and reality.

His father bought him a professional camera and began to learn it step by step, this was a pivotal point in his life and the rest of his work and photography. Graduated from the Faculty of Education, Arabic Language Department, Tanta University, 2021. Weeks didn't pass until he found out he was a cancer patient and began his journey of fighting the disease, defeating him once and didn't give up, he continued trying until God passed away and extended his hand to him with a final rest after a long suffering. He loved life the way he could and found beauty in everything around him, no matter how simple it was, from a cup of coffee, to a field of cultivation, to a child's smile.

(text @ D o c u m e n t a r i e s

We belong to God and to Him we return


 إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ

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