Gil Scott Heron "New York City" (1976) Lyrics

New York City/I don´t know why I love you
maybe it´s because you mine
Like so many others, I found it all too easy
to stand off at a distance an´ criticize.
But there ain´t nothin´ wrong with the city,
just some people been wrong there like everywhere else.

New York City/I don´t know why I love you
maybe you remind me of myself.
I been broke and I been criticized.
I been pushed off to the side.
but I always felt inside
like New York City, was misused and mistreated,
run with when the runnin´ was good.
Ignoring the beating absorbed by those who live there
and the gangsters keepin´ the books.
But there ain´t nothin´ wrong with the city,
just some people been runnin´ it, runnin´ it to death.

New York City/I don´t know why I love you
maybe you remind me of myself.
The sounds of the city
transport you around the sun.
The music of every nation
helps make the island one.
It´s home to both tramp and artist
and dreamers from everywhere;
but most of all kind hearted people
whose stories ain´t on the air.

New York City/I don´t know why I love you
something inside of me I feel
New York City/I don´t know why I love you, but it´s real.

Congas, Bongos, Timbales – Tony Duncanson
Congas, Percussion – Barnett Williams
Drums [Traps], Percussion – Reggie Brisbane
Electric Bass, Vocals – Danny Bowens
Engineer, Mixed By – Ralph Moss
Piano, Electric Piano, Vocals – Brian Jackson
Producer – Gil Scott-Heron & Brian Jackson
Producer [Associate] – Tom Wilson (2)
Tenor Saxophone, Flute – Bilal Sunni-Ali
Trumpet – Delbert Taylor
Vocals – Gil Scott-Heron, Victor Brown

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O mně / About me

Rozhovor s básníkem a spisovatelem Langston Hughesem (rozmlouvá Eva Corey, @WBAI, 13. 6. 1963)