"Soul On Ice" Eldridge Cleaver (A Delta Book, 1968)

Eldridge Cleaver, Black Panther Minister of information and former candidate for the presidency of the United States on the Peace and Freedom party ticket, here writes about the forces that shaped his life and that are currently molding our national destiny.
This book, written while the author was in California´s Folsom State Prison, has the terrifying lucidity of a calm before the storm. SOUL ON ICE will make you either cheer or wince, but it will compel your attention.

The book is divided into four sections and each one of them focuses on particular issues. Those essays had been published in Ramparts magazine and tell us the amazing journey of E.Cleaver from “a street guy” to “a black activist”.

Cleaver speaks about issues such as: The Assassination of Malcolm X, James Baldwin and his books, The Vietnam War, Nation of Islam and followers of Elijah Muhammad, The Christ and Christianity.

Title: Soul On Ice
Author: Eldridge Cleaver
Introduction: Maxwell Geismar
Publisher: A Delta Book
Year: 1968
Number of pages: 210


I. Letters from Prison
II. Blood of the beast
III. Prelude to Love – Three Letters
IV. White Woman, Black Man

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O mně / About me

Rozhovor s básníkem a spisovatelem Langston Hughesem (rozmlouvá Eva Corey, @WBAI, 13. 6. 1963)