"Výchova muslimských dívek v západní společnosti" Farhat Amin (@The Thinking Muslim)


The Thinking Muslim Podcast Episode #96
host: Farhat Amin (https://smartmuslima.com)
moderator: Muhammad Jalal

0:00-1:57 Introduction
1:57-4:57 What problem do you address among teenage Muslimas?
4:57-10:00 Who is accountable for the problems?
10:00-14:37 Books to enhance Muslim women's confidence in faith
14:37-18:14 Teaching experience in institutions with a sizeable Muslim population
18:14-20:48 Impact of feminism on young Muslim girls
20:48-26:10 Te concept of "equality" between men and women
26:10-30:11 Is your approach to young girls conservative?
30:11-32:33 Which type of Muslim woman do you think is ideal?
32:33-37:07 How significant are surroundings to teenagers, and where can one find communities that support them?
37:07-44:42 Does basic sex education expose young girls to early sexualization and rob them of their innocence?
44:42-50:24 When would you introduce a young person to a mobile phone?
50:24-53:41 How much do liberal narratives affect Muslim girls?
53:41-56:17 Are there any resources for young boys with a religious focus?
56:17-1:02:02 What do you think about parents who keep their kids out of society to protect their faith?
1:02:02-1:06:55 What can Muslim communities do to encourage young Muslim women to feel that Islam is not a problem?
1:06:55-1:07:09 Additional information

Populární příspěvky z tohoto blogu

Neil Postman o televizi, serióznosti médií, (ne)vědění, zábavě a hypermoderním člověku (1988)

"Budujeme pohraničí" Zdeněk Forman, Vojtěch Jasný, Karel Kachyňa (k 100. výročí Vojtěcha Jasného)

Neil Postman "Mizející dětství" (2001, @SUNY Fredonia), 75 min.

O mně / About me

Rozhovor s básníkem a spisovatelem Langston Hughesem (rozmlouvá Eva Corey, @WBAI, 13. 6. 1963)