"Islámské bankovnictví je oxymoron" Harris Irfan (@ The Islamic Thinking)


"Celý bankovní systém je postaven na úroku (ar. ribá) a přestože jsem se moho let snažil sám sebe přesvědčit, že se to podaří, islámské bankovnictví je oxymoron. Nelze být islámský a bankovní současně. Bankovnictví pracuje na principu částečných rezerv, tudíž generuje peníze z fiktivních peněz."

Harris Irfan (15:30 min)

"Is Islamic Banking Really Islamic?" (Thinking Muslim - Episode 107, 26.8.2023)

host: Harris Irfan
moderator: Muhammad Jalal

00:00  Introduction
02:13  The Makkah Clocktower
07:36  Investment Banks Abuse
09:58  Fractional Reserve Banking
13:48  Halal Banks?
16:43  But Buying a House?
20:43  Regulatory Issues?
22:07  Risk Sharing ?
28:15  So How Do Muslims Invest?
31:10  Islamic Scholars Wrong?
36:23  Scholars Not Economists?
39:00  The Doomsday Fatwa
44:46  Makes Haram Halal
49:32  Governments Passing Laws
51:53  The Goals of the Shariah
57:50  Capitalism
1:01:54  What is Capitalism
1:07:05  Erdogan and the Riba Trap
1:13:07  Brics Currency & Dedolarisation?

Harris Irfan is currently the CEO of Cordoba Capital Markets https://www.ccmkts.com. He has 29 years of investment banking and consulting experience. He was the former co-founder of Deutsche Bank's world-leading Islamic finance team and CEO of Deutsche's Islamic finance subsidiary. He is the Former Global Head of Islamic Finance at Barclays, and then Head of Investment Banking for the Rasmala group. He is also the author of "Heaven's Bankers: Inside the Hidden World of Islamic Finance", the critically acclaimed best-seller about the Islamic finance industry.

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