THE ARTIST IS PUTRESCENT [Rotten] - A Critique of Marina Abramovic's art thrown as a leaflet during the performance @MoMA (New York City, 2012)


foto: Portrait with a Goat Head, 2018 (Galerie Krinzinger)


"The staring approach – scorn merited against those who tranquilly grovel before promised epiphanies. Sit for 45minutes and some times longer rummaging and scrambling for meaning, surveying a desolate shore….voyeurs toying in moralistic prostitution. Such is the contract between modern art, its successors, and a society whereby the modes of its own psychiatry are also its results.

The next morning comes, and desperation follows. Drugs for the waking logic – the kind that substitute wellbeing for collapse – an adequate amount is swallowed daily. The private ritual of coffee, of breakfast or not, of getting in to the car, onto the subway. We may have a future together. 

The encouragement to participate in such a drama tickles our spleen. By pandering to the desolation of the audience and its tragic sensibilities, this art object subsumes all, as against the exteriority of the more archaic forms and their gestures. Here, we find the logical conclusion for a society of innovative modes of panhandling, a whisper of an unconventional conventionality. 

The museum is our church. Exhausted by the daily routine, we have come in droves. The language of the performance – the sermon – provides us refuge within the imprecise and ambiguous. It is an attribute shared by both artists and journalists, whereby the votary is allotted the ability to makes its own prognosis, to repent its own sins, to find salvation of its own accord. There is no doubt anymore that the spectacular value of democracy traverses all cultural indulgences. 

A deceit, unbelievable at first, legitimizes with greater ease when its extravagance appears incompatible with its sponsorship by respectable official authorities. Marina merely confirms the necessary trajectory of even the most repugnant luxuries. It is only a matter of time before the surrealist acte gratuit [in French "An impulsive act lacking motive"], to fire a pistol into a crowd at random, becomes a healthy over the counter prescription for combating the mass neurosis that constitutes everyday life. 

We have come to sit with Marina, whore of Babylon, and confess. Speech superfluous, pure form against pure form, the reflection of an emptiness full of value. We have come as the last spectators before the crucifixion. We sit, as apostles at her table, and our nonchalance betrays her. 

Our flaccid heads having met -- we dream of Botox. Under fluorescent lights we imagine an army of artists who nobly march in step with the congregation. At least, as motif, we can still infer superior lacerations, while our brothers must be content to sing in a far off repressive land. The consequence has always been emesis, whether choked back into the throat by tolerable acidic ingestion, or violently projected into an era that cultivates the sinister."

Author unknown
This Critique of Marina Abramovic's art was thrown as a leaflet during the performance @MoMA (New York City, 2012)

Marina Abramović "Miracle 4"(2018 @Galerie Krinzinger)

Marina Abramović "Vladkka"(2007 @Galerie Krinzinger)

documentary "Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present" (2012)

documentary "Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present" (2012)

documentary "Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present" (2012)

Marina Abramović, Lips of Thomas (Performance View), (1975)

Marina Abramović, Rhythm 5 (Performance View), (1975)

“I construct a five-pointed star (made of wood and wood chips soaked in 100 liters of petrol). I set fire to the star. I walk around it. I cut my hair and throw the clumps into each point of the star. I cut my toenails and throw the clippings into each point of the star. I walk into the star and lie down on the empty surface. Lying down, I fail to notice that the flames have used up all the oxygen. I lose consciousness. The viewers do not notice, because I am supine. When a flame touches my leg and I still show no reaction, two viewers come into the star and carry me out.”

documentary "Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present" (2012)

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