"Islamic perspectives - studies in honour of Mawlānā Sayyid Abul Aʻlā Mawdūdī" (Islamic Foundation, 1979)

Early twentieth century has witnessed a number of well-organised movements for the revival of Islam in different parts of the Muslim world. In the Indo-Pak Subcontinent, Mawlana Mawdudi, the founder of the Jmna'at-i-Islami, has made an indelible mark on history by organising the Jarna`ah and successfully leading it through different turbulent periods and delineating cogent guidelines for the revival of Islam and application of its teachings to the problems of the modern world. Few men have captured the imagination and inspired the educated Muslims during the last few decades to the extent Mawlana Mawdudi has done. His admirers, friends and associates have made an effort, through this volume, to pay their heartful tribute to Mawlana's long record of service to the cause of Islam, especially to Islamic scholarship.

Islamic Perspectives: Studies in Honour of Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi is a result of collaboration and research by a number of reputed scholars of Islam, both from orient and occident, who come from diverse background, but share their faith in Islam. The variety of interest, approach and viewpoint reflected in the different contributions of the volume mirror the richness of diversity which has always been the characteristic of healthy Islamic intellectual life. This Festschrift contains articles on aspects of Islamic intellectual perspective and heritage and outlines the nature of Islamic society, state and economy. It also contains contributions on some celebrated scholars and reformers who have made lasting effect on Islamic movement in the recent past as well as a bibliography of the writings of Mawlana Mawdudi together with an introduction to his vision of islam and of Islamic revival, The book will be read with fascination by general readers as much as the specialists in Islamic studies.

Title: Islamic perspectives - studies in honour of Mawlānā Sayyid Abul Aʻlā Mawdūdī
Authors: Syed Abul ʻAla Maudoodi; Khurshid Ahmad; Zafar Ishaq Ansari
Publisher: Islamic Foundation
Year: 1979
Pages: 394

A bibliography of writings by and about Mawlnā̄ Sayyid Abul Aʻlā Mawdūdī / Qazi Zulqadr Siddiqi, S.M. Aslam and M.M. Ahsan.

pt. 1. Intellectual perspectives
Tawḥīd: the concept and the process / Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi
Decadence, deviation and renaissance in the context of contemporary Islam / Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Reflections on the roles and educational Desiderata of the Islamist / Ismāʻīl Ibrāhīm Nawwāb
Lost opportunities: the musings of a student of history / Ishtiaq Hussain Quershi
The creation of the heavens and the earth in the Bible and the Qur'an / M. Abdul Haq Ansari
The doctrine of redemption: a critical study / Muzammil Husain Siddiqi

pt. 2. Islamic intellectual heritage
Tartīl al-Qur'an al-Karim / Lamyā' al-Fārūqī
Terms and concepts: problems in translating the Qur'ān / T.B. Irving
Early Tafsir --a survey of Qur'ānic commentary up to 150 A.H. / Mujāhid Muḥammad Al-Ṣawwāf
An early discussion on Islamic jurisprudence: some notes on al-Radd ʻalā Siyar al-Awzāʻī / Zafar Ishaq Ansari

pt. 3. Islamic society, state and economy
The concept of community in Islam / Abdo A. Elkholy
Is the Muslim definable in terms of his economic pursuits? / Ismāʻīl Rājī al-Fārūqī
The Islamic welfare state and its role in the economy / M. Umar Chapra
Economic development in an Islamic framework / Khurshid Ahmad
The Muslim minorities / M. Ali Kettani

pt. 4. Scholars and reformers

Mawlānā Abul Aʻlā Mawdūdi: a personal account / Altaf Gauhar
Mawlānā Abul Aʻlā Mawdūdi: the man, the scholar, the reformer / Allahbukhsh K. Brohi
Said Nursi and the Risala-i Nur: an aspect of Islam in contemporary Turkey / Hamid Algar
From Rashid Riḍā to Lloyd George / A.L. Tibawi
Shäh Wali-Allāh's concept of the Sharīʻah Miʻrāj Muḥammad
Mawlānā Sayyid Abul Aʻlā Mawdūdi: an introduction to his vision of Islam and Islamic revival / Khurshid Ahmad and Zafar Ishaq Ansari

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