"An Islamic Response to Imperialism: Political and Religious Writings of Sayyid Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani" Nikki R. Keddie (1968, University of California Press)

"Sayyid Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani (1838-1897), the well known religious reformer and political activist, led a busy and complex life full of obscure and clandestine ventures. . . . [Keddie] draws on a wide range of primary and secondary sources. In part I an attempt is made to provide an accurate biography and a consistent analysis of Afghani.
Part II contains translations of some of his most important writings. . . Although Afghani was concerned with the wide ranging need for Islamic reform, he devoted most of his life to the more urgent political problems confronting Muslims--problems arising out of their weakness in dealing with the Western Christian powers. Hence the tide of this book.

"An Islamic Response to Imperialism: Political and Religious Writings of Sayyid Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani"
Nikki R. Keddie
year: 1968
Publisher: University of California Press


Introduction: From Afghani to Khomeini

Part I.
The Life and Thought of Sayyid Jamâl ad-Dïn

1. The Life of Sayyid Jamâl ad-Dïn al-Afghànï
2. Sayyid Jamâl ad-Dïn’s Ideas
A Summary of Afghânï’s Aims and Methods
Afghânï and Islamic Philosophy
The Indian Background
The “Refutation of the Materialists”
The Exchange with Ernest Renan

Part II.
Translations of Texts by Sayyid Jamâl ad-Dïn

Lecture on Teaching and Learning
The Benefits of Philosophy (Co-translated with Hamid Algar)
Commentary on the Commentator
The Truth about the Neicheri Sect and an Explanation of the Neicheris ("Refutation of the Materialists.” Co-translated with Hamid Algar)
[The Greek Materialists]
[The Modern Materialists, Especially Darwin]
[The Social Virtues of Religion and the Social Harm of the Materialists]
[Religions’ Three Beliefs] 141 [The Three Qualities Produced by Religion]
[How the Neicheris Undermine the Six Beliefs and Qualities]
[How the Materialists Undermined the Great Nations of the Past]
[Why the Neicheris Undermine the Restraint of Passion]
[The Evils of the Neicheris and Virtues of Religion]

The Materialists in India

Answer of Jamal ad-Din to Renan


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Rozhovor s básníkem a spisovatelem Langston Hughesem (rozmlouvá Eva Corey, @WBAI, 13. 6. 1963)