Chimurenga Renaissance "riZe vadZimu riZe" (Brick Lane Records, 2014)

Chimurenga Renaissance 
"riZe vadZimu riZe" (Brick Lane Records, 2014)

released 25 March 2014 

Red, Black & Green 
The B.A.D. is so good 
Nobody think nomo Featuring: Mall Saint ($) 
The race for cush Naptha 
It’s bigger than YOU Featuring: Ish a.k.a Palaceer Lazaro (*) 
They pray in vain 
We don’t give a brah Featuring: Malitia Malimob 
Medeas theory Featuring: Thee Satisfaction (^) 
The taste of her lips 
Go go gettem Featuring: M1 of Dead Prez (%) & Ish a.k.a. Palaceer Lazaro (*) 
The shackles are off Featuring: Moon 
Everyone don’t love you Featuring: Nyoka 

All songs written By Tendai “Baba” Maraire except where listed 

Co-written by Jamal Morris ($), Ishmael Butler (*), Stasia Irons & Catherine Harris-White (^), Mutulu Olugbala (%) 

All songs recorded at Sanai’s Pad 

Mixed by Erik Blood at MRX 

Artwork By Civilization 

Story by Henry Makiwa 

Released on Brick Lane Records

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O mně / About me

Rozhovor s básníkem a spisovatelem Langston Hughesem (rozmlouvá Eva Corey, @WBAI, 13. 6. 1963)