"Malcolm X: The Great Photographs" (Stewart Tabori & Chang, 1993)

The face of Malcolm X (1925-1965) has become a cultural icon. Depending on who is looking, his image conjures up various men: moral leader, black separatist leader, Black Muslim teacher, radical leader, pan-Africanist leader, pioneer in the spread of orthodox Islam. Malcolm X: The Great Photographs is an extensively researched collection of historical photographs of Malcolm X beginning with his childhood and focusing on the critical years 1959 to 1965, when he was in the public eye. The photographs, arranged chronologically, tell the story of Malcolm's mature life.

Acclaimed writer Thulani Davis narrates these events and includes in her story the voices of activists whose lives were changed by contact with him. In an essay of astonishing breadth, Davis examines Malcolm's ideas and myths to find out why popular culture has so energetically laid claim to his image. Pictures from many of the great photographers of the time - including Gordon Parks, Eve Arnold, and Henri Cartier-Bresson - document Malcolm X's work as a teacher, militant, orator, and family man. A detailed chronology shows Malcolm's life set against the backdrop of U.S. and international political events, especially the independence of African nations. Through its pictures and text, Malcolm X: The Great Photographs offers unparalleled insight into the life of a major historical figure whose ideas and inspiration challenge a new generation

(text by publisher)

Authors: (Text) Thulani Davis, (Photographs edited by) Howard Chapnick
Authors of photographs:
Robert Haggins
Gordon Parks
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Eva Arnold
John Launois (Black Star)
Bob Adelman
Truman Moore
Bob Gomel
Marvin Lichtner
Ted Russel
Patricia Lantis (Wide World Photos)
David Greenstein (UPI/Battmann Photos)
Adger W. Cowans (Black Images)
Publisher: Stewart Tabori & Chang; 1st edition (February 1993)
Paperback: 168 pages
Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.4 x 0.6 inches

 Malcolm X, 1963

"Malcolm X: The Great Photographs", The Table of contents  

 Outside NYC Criminal Court building, 1963

Outside NYC Criminal Court building, 1963
Los Angeles courtroom, April - May 1963.
Malcolm X displaying pictures of muslim Ronald Stokes, killed by police a year earlier

 Malcolm X in Brooklyn, NYC, July/August 1963

 Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali in a Miami restaurant after Ali won the heavyweight championship from Sonny Liston, February 26, 1964

 Malcolm X, June 29, 1963

 The Crowd listening to Malcolm speaking, June 29, 1963

 Malcolm X at the time of his break with the Nation of Islam, NYC, march 10, 1964

Malcolm X during Press conference at National Memorial African Bookstore, Harlem, March 12, 1964

Malcolm X praying in Cairo mosque, September 1964

 Malcolm X starting a prayer by saying "Takbir" Allahu Akbar in Cairo mosque,
September 1964

 Malcolm X Cairo, September 1964

 Malcolm X and M.L.King Jr., their only meeting on Capitol Hill, march 26, 1964

First speech after break with NOI, Carver Ballroom, Hotel Therasa, Harlem, March 23, 1964
 First speech after break with NOI, Carver Ballroom, Hotel Therasa, Harlem, March 23, 1964

Malcolm X at the Audubon Ballroom with Sheikh Hassen from Mecca (in turban) and Abu Rahman Muhammad Babu. NYC, November 29, 1964
Cairo, Egypt, meeting with Sheik Abdel Rahman Tag (right), future rector of Al-Azhar, the first Muslim university in the world. July 18, 1964

 Betty Shabazz with daughters while Malcolm was traveling to Africa, 1964

 Malcolm X in Egypt, September 1964

Malcolm X in Egypt, September 1964 

The last known portrait of Malcolm X, February 18, 1965

 The Malcolm´s assassination, February 21, 1965

 The Malcolm´s assassination, February 21, 1965

Harlem after the Malcolm´s assassination, February 24, 1965

Demonstrators picket at 125th Street store that was not, like many others, closed after a
community call for a day of mourning, Fabruary 26, 1965

The Malcolm X´s funeral, February 27, 1965

The funeral service, Harlem, February 27, 1965

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