"INTO THE PROMISED LAND" Harvey Morris, J.C.Tordai (1991)

For almost twenty five years the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza Strip have endured military occupation and, at the same time, have watched the creeping annexation of their patrimony, much of it given over to settlements. Such pressure led inexorably to the intifada and these photographs, taken between 1988 – 90, roughly span the period wich began with a popular uprising and ended in attrition. They reflect broadly what could be found on the streets any day of the week, evoking both the unchanging rhythms of daily life as well as the pathos and desolation wich, inevitably, have grown out of this enduring conflict. If a lasting peace were achieved, the photographs might be seen only as a painful episode in the rites of passage, but given the depth of the conflict they might as easily be viewed as the preface to a descent into perdition.

Text by J.C.Tordai

Authors: text by Harvey Morris, Photographs by J.C.Tordai
Publisher: CORNERHOUSE Publications
Year: 1991
Number of pages: 80

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