"Ferguson Cover-Up", nový dokument o smrti Michaela Browna

Jason Pollock o svých důvodech, proč natočil dokument o Michael Brownovi, který byl v srpnu 2014 zastřelen policistou Darren Wilsonem ve městě Ferguson (stát Missouri).

"From the very moment that Michael’s body hit the pavement that day a carefully crafted campaign of misinformation, manipulation, and outright lying has taken place by the Ferguson Police Department, the St Louis Police Department, and the St Louis Prosecutor’s office. 

The 24/7 right wing media have constantly perpetuated these lies, and they were so well crafted that they tricked CNN and many other outlets into falsely reporting the issue over and over again. 

Sadly, because of all this distortion, the average American thinks that justice was served to Michael Brown and his family, and that Darren Wilson should be a free man. These views could not be further from the truth."

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O mně / About me

Rozhovor s básníkem a spisovatelem Langston Hughesem (rozmlouvá Eva Corey, @WBAI, 13. 6. 1963)