"The Betrayal of the Negro" Rayford Whittingham Logan (Da Capo Press, 1997)

Between the end of Reconstruction in 1877 and the end of World War I in 1918, African Americans experienced their nadir. The Betrayal of the Negro (originally published as The Negro in American Life and Thought: The Nadir, 18771901 and subsequently expanded) is the only full-scale account to document with encyclopedic research this neglected phase in American history. The author examines every aspect of our country's post-Reconstruction retreat from equality: the economic factors, the Supreme Court decisions, Booker T. Washington and his "Era of Compromise," and, in a unique and disturbing survey, the racist caricatures that dominated the most liberal newspapers and magazines of the day. Dispassionate and insightful, Logan unfolds a narrative of national betrayal as harrowing as it is heartbreaking.

(text publisher)

Title: „The Betrayal of the Negro: From Rutherford B. Hayes to Woodrow Wilson “
originally published as "The Negro in American Life and Thought: The Nadir, 1877-1901" 

in 1954
Author: Rayford Whittingham Logan
Publisher: Da Capo Press
Year: 1997
Number of pages: 456

Table of Contents

* Introduction by Eric Foner Part I. 
* The Problem * The Let Alone Policy of Hayes 
* Dead Center Under Cleveland 
* The Reopening Under Harrison 
* The Nadir Under McKinley 
* The Supreme Court and the Negro 
* The Economic Roots of Second-Class Citizenship: Agriculture 
* The Economic Roots of Second-Class Citizenship: Organized Labor Part II. 
* Introduction: The Mind of the North: 18771901 
* National Issues in the Northern Press: 18771890 
* National Issues in the Northern Press: 18901901 
* The Color Line in the New North: 18771901 
* The Negro Portrayed in the Leading Literary Magazines 
* The Atlanta Compromise * The Roots of Recovery Part III. 
* A Low, Rugged Plateau 
* A Shore, Dimly Seen 
* The Negro as Portrayed in Representative Northern Magazines and Newspapers 
* Conclusion

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