„Mirror to America: The Autobiography of John Hope Franklin“ John Hope Franklin (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005)

John Hope Franklin lived through America's most defining 20th-century transformation, the dismantling of legally-protected racial segregation. A renowned scholar, he has explored that transformation in its myriad aspects, and he was, and remains, an active participant. Born in 1915, he could not but participate: evicted from whites-only train cars, confined to segregated schools, and threatened--once with lynching. And yet he managed to receive a Ph.D. from Harvard. He has become one of the world's most celebrated historians and reshaped the way African American history is understood and taught. But Franklin's participation was much more fundamental than that. From his effort in 1934 to hand President Roosevelt a petition, whether aiding Thurgood Marshall's preparation for Brown v. Board in 1954, marching to Montgomery in 1965, or testifying against Robert Bork's nomination to the Supreme Court in 1987, Franklin has pushed the national conversation on race towards humanity and equality.

(From publisher description)

Title: „Mirror to America: The Autobiography of John Hope Franklin“
Author: John Hope Franklin
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Year: 2005
Number of pages: 416

:: Table of Contents ::

No crystal stair
The world of my youth

From Rentiesville to T-town
The gold and blue
Fair Harvard
A published author
Newly minted

Days of infamy
From slavery to freedom
A hilltop high
A change of venue

On becoming New Yorkers
Way down under
Glimpses of the motherland
Hail Britannia
Points west

The uses of history
Students' rights
civil rights
Town and gown and beyond
Family matters

Reaching a larger American public
Winding down
A whole new life
A duke affair

Matters of life and death
Honorable mention
One America
A conversation stalled
In sickness and in health

Through a looking glass

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