The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World (Oxford University Press, 1995)

This unique reference is a comprehensive encyclopedia dedicated to the institutions, religion, politics, and culture in Muslim societies throughout the world. Placing particular emphasis on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World contains over 750 articles in four volumes on Muslims in the Arab heartland as well as South and Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

An invaluable resource, the Encyclopedia offers extensive comparative and systematic analyses of Islamic beliefs, institutions, movements, practices, and peoples on an international scale. The alphabetically arranged articles range from brief 500-word essays to major interpretive and synthetic treatment of topics such as the Islamic state, pilgrimage, law, marriage, and foreign relations. Related entries cover areas of general interest such as social and political movements, women, Muslim minorities, human rights, Islam in the West, and interreligious affairs. And prominent figures that had a lasting impact on Islam are explored including Muhammad, Aga Khan, Malcolm X, Muhammad Iqbal, 'Ali Shari 'ati, Ayatollah Khomeini, and Hasan al-Turabi.

Truly multidisciplinary, this work reflects the breadth and depth of contemporary scholarship in Islamic studies. Combining the tools of the humanities and social sciences to examine the interrelationship of religion, politics, and culture in Muslim societies, it explains the changing realities of Muslim life. Its unique focus makes The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World an invaluable reference for scholars and students of many disciplines, government and media analysts, and anyone interested in increasing their understanding of Islamic politics and culture.

(text by publisher)

Paperback: 1904 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (1995)

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief

John L. Esposito, Professor of Religion and International Affairs and Director, Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University


Shahrough Akhavi, Professor of International Studies, University of South Carolina

Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, Professor of Islamic History, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

James P. Piscatori, Professor of International Politics, University of Wales

Abdulaziz Sachedina, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Virginia

Sharon Siddique, Director, Sreekumar-Siddique and Co., Ltd.; Formerly Acting Director, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore

John O. Voll, Professor of History, University of New Hampshire

Fred R. von der Mehden, Albert Thomas Professor of Political Science, Rice University

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