pf 2015

"If you are weak of heart, stay away from me, For my song drips blood".

Muhammad Iqbal

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born
and the day you find out why.”

Mark Twain

"they askin´ me how old, we livin´ the same age"

Talib Kweli

"Let there be no love poems written, until love can exist freely and cleanly."

Amiri Baraka

“I can't believe what you say, because I see what you do.”

James Baldwin

"they couldn’t lull us, so we synthesise our realest one“

Shabazz Palaces

"… Jen kurvy se musejí líbit, poněvadž by bez toho zemřely hladem. Verše ne. Ale zpozoroval jsem, že i ti, kdož na ně nadávají, jich nezapomínají. A to jediné je důležité."

F. X. Šalda

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