Eric Parkin Plays Piano Music of Miklós Rózsa

"Bagatelles, Part II. Novellette"
The Bagallettes were written in 1932 (The same year as op.9 Variations) but are more concentratedly Hungarian in outlook; untrivial, epigrammatic and diamond-cut, they form a sequence of six contrasting and well-defind moods in a manner not unlike that of Bartok´s Mikrokosmos.


"Variations, Op. 9"
Rozsa´s first work for solo piano was composed in Paris in 1932 and first performed at the Salle Debussy in December 1934 by Clara Haskil as part of a concert devoted to the chamber works of Rozsa and Arthur Honegger. The harmonic idiom is stille not quite purged of alien chromaticisms, but authentic Hungarian elements are also in evidence, particularly in the theme which is clearly of folksong origin, and in the motoric folkdance-like finale.


"The Vintner´s Daughter"

The Vintner´s Daughter dates from 1952 and is a set of twelve short variations framed by a prologue and epilogue; it is based on a French folksong associated with a poem by the Swiss poet Juste Oliver (1807-76). This tells the tale of a pretty vintner´s daughter who fells asleep in the sun at harvest-time and dreams of the arrival of three dashing knights from Hungary. The first two knights pay her compliments but the third decides to make her his beloved: at which critical moment, however, the sleeping beauty awakens.


"Bagatelles, Part V Canzona"

The Bagallettes were written in 1932 (The same year as op.9 Variations) but are more concentratedly Hungarian in outlook; untrivial, epigrammatic and diamond-cut, they form a sequence of six contrasting and well-defind moods in a manner not unlike that of Bartok´s Mikrokosmos.


Eric Parkin Plays Piano Music of Miklós Rózsa.
Miklos Rozsa was a Hungarian-born composer and conductor.
(18 April 1907 – 27 July 1995)

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O mně / About me

Rozhovor s básníkem a spisovatelem Langston Hughesem (rozmlouvá Eva Corey, @WBAI, 13. 6. 1963)