"Tulip in The Desert" Muhammad Iqbal

Iqbal´s poetry has such great variety that several anthologies of it could be compiled, each quite different from the others. The poems of this volume, while a personal selection, are representative of Iqbal´s poetry, and their thematic arrangement reflects the diversity of subject dealt with by Iqbal. Most of the poems are short.
The volume aims at introducing Iqbal´s poetry to the English-speaking world in more than a perfunctory manner. While scholars and students will especially benefit from the detailed commentaries and notes, it is hoped that generals readers in both Muslim and Western countries will find the work useful and interesting.

Many of the translations published here first appeared in the International Islamic University of Malaysia’s Research and Information Bulletin (1993-5). A few of these were reprinted elsewhere, but without my approval. All published poems have been revised; others, freshly translated, have been included; much new introductory and commentarial material has been added. In its present form and arrangement this is a new work.

Mustansir Mir (Editor)

Title: Tulip in The Desert: A Selection of the Poetry of Muhammad Iqbal
Author: Muhammad Iqbal
Editor, translator: Mustansir Mir
Publisher: McGill-Queen’s University Press
Year: 200
Number of pages: 158 


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O mně / About me

Rozhovor s básníkem a spisovatelem Langston Hughesem (rozmlouvá Eva Corey, @WBAI, 13. 6. 1963)