"Prejudice and Your Child" Kenneth B. Clark (Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1955)

Analyzes racial prejudice and its impact on white as well as black children, and provides wise counsel and a plan for action that is as fresh-and as necessary-as when the book was first written.
About author

KENNETH B. CLARK is often called "the scholar of the civil rights movement." He was graduated from Howard University and received his Ph.D. from Columbia University. Best known for research cited by the Supreme Court in Brown, he is Distinguished Professor of Psychology Emeritus at the City University of New York; president of Clark, Phipps, Clark, and Harris; former president of the American Psychological Association; member of the New York State Board of Regents; and author of, among other books, King, Malcolm, and Baldwin; Dark Ghetto; and Pathos of Power. His home is in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York.

Name: "Prejudice and Your Child"
Author: Kenneth B. Clark
Publisher: Wesleyan Univ. Press
Year: 1988 (1st printing 1955)
No.of pages: 327 pages

Table of Contents

Foreword By Stuart W. Cook
Introduction to the Wesleyan University Press Edition
Preface to the Beacon Press Edition
How Children Learn About Race
Society and Children's Feelings about Race
The Negro Child and Race Prejudice
The White Child and Race Prejudice
What Can Schools Do?
What Can Social Agencies Do?
What can the Churches Do?
What Can Parents Do?
American Children and the Future

The Legal Background of the School Segregation Cases by Philip Kurland
Text of the Supreme Court's Opinions, May 17, 1954
Appendix to the Appellant's Briefs: The Effects of Segregation and the Consequences of Desegregation: A Social Science Statement
The Desegregation Cases: Criticism of the Social Scientist's Role
The Role of the Social Sciences in Desegregation
The 1954 Social Science Statement and School Desegregation: A reply to Gerard by Stuart W. Cook.

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