"Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention" Manning Marable (2011)

Hailed as "a masterpiece" (San Francisco Chronicle), the late Manning Marable's acclaimed biography of Malcolm X finally does justice to one of the most influential and controversial figures of twentieth-century American history. Filled with startling new information and shocking revelations, Malcolm X unfolds a sweeping story of race and class in America. Reaching into Malcolm's troubled youth, it traces a path from his parents' activism as followers of Marcus Garvey through his own work with the Nation of Islam and rise in the world of black nationalism, and culminates in the never-before-told true story of his assassination. Malcolm X is a stunning achievement, the definitive work on one of our greatest advocates for social change.

Title: Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention
Author: Manning Marable
Publisher: Allen Lane
Year: Apr. 2011
Number of pages: 608

:: Contents ::

Life beyond the legend --
"Up, you mighty race" : 1925-1941 --
The legend of Detroit Red : 1941-January 1946 --
Becoming "X" : January 1946-August 1952 --
"They don't come like the minister" : August 1952-May 1957 --
"Brother, a minister has to be married" : May 1957-March 1959 --
"The hate that hate produced" : March 1959-January 1961 --
"As sure as God made green apples" : January 1961-May 1962 --
From prayer to protest : May 1962-March 1963 --
"He was developing too fast" : April-November 1963 --
"The chickens coming home to roost" : December 1, 1963-March 12, 1964 --
An epiphany in the Hajj : March 12-May 21, 1964 --
"Do something about Malcolm X" : May 21-July 11, 1964 --
"In the struggle for dignity" : July 11-November 24, 1964 --
"Such a man is worthy of death" : November 24, 1964-February 14, 1965 --
Death comes on time : February 14-February 21, 1965 --
Life after death --
Reflections on a revolutionary vision

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