"The Lost-found Nation of Islam in America" Clifton E. Marsh

The Nation of Islam in America has become increasingly visible during the last few decades with the rise of Minister Louis Farrakan and events like he Million Man March. This book sheds light on this powerful Black Nationalist organization, from the ideological splits in the Nation of Islam during the 70´s through the growth of the Nation in the 80´s and the expanding influence of the organization in the 90´s, highlighting its key figures and events.

The Lost-found Nation Of Islam in America includes interviews by the author Clifton E. Marsh with Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad (Nation of Islam) and Imam Wallace D. Muhammad (Muslim American Society). This book had been published in 1984, but this edition (1st 1996, 2nd 2000) is revisited and much expanded. It includes four new chapters.

Clifton E.Marsh (Ph.D., Syracuse University) is chairperson of the Department of Social Science at Morris Brown Collage in Atlanta. He is a member of the National Council of black Studies, the American Sociological Association, and the Southern Sociological Association.

Title: The Lost-found Nation of Islam in America
Author: Clifton E. Marsh
Publisher: The Scarecrow Press
Year: 1996 1st Edition of the revisited version
Number of pages: 223

:: Contents ::

1. Black Nationalism as a Social Movement
2. Social condition 1914 – 1930
3. The Moorish ScienceTemple 1913 – 1929
4. The Nation of Islam 1930 – 1959
5. Minister Malcolm X Shabazz 1925 – 1965
6. NOI and the World Community of Al-Islam in the west 1965 – 1980
7. Minister Louis Farrakhan, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Nation of Islam
The Continuation of the African Nationalist Legacy 1815 – 1994
8. A Historical and Philosophical Analysis on the Ideological Dispute between Imam Warith Deen Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan 1974 – 1980
9. The Growth, Development, and Change of the American Muslim Mission and the Nation of Islam, 1980 – 1990
10. The Nation of Islam from the Halls of the U.S.Congress to the Black Star Square in Accra, Ghana. 1990 – 1994
Interview with Imam Wallace Deen Muhammad (July 25, 1979)
Interview with Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, spokesperson for minister Louis Farrakhan (September 9, 1994)

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