"Malcolm X: The Last Speeches" Malcolm X, Bruce Perry (1969)

Speeches and interviews from the last two years of his life.

Title: Malcolm X: The Last Speeches
Authors: Malcolm X, Bruce Perry
Publisher: Pathfinder Books Ltd
Year: 1969
Number of pages: 189
Link to E-Book: Here


Edited by Bruce Perry

:: Contents ::

Front Matter Page NA
Title Page and Credits Page NA
Contents Page NA
Introduction Page 7
Publisher's Foreword Page 11
Chronology Page 21
Part 1: Two 1963 university speeches Page 23
[Introduction] Page 23
Twenty million Black people in a political, economic, and mental prison Page 25
America's gravest crisis since the Civil War Page 59
Part 2: Two December 1964 interviews Page 81
[Introduction] Page 81
Whatever is necessary to protect ourselves Page 83
Our people identify with Africa Page 91
Part 3: February 1965: Two speeches delivered during the last week of Malcolm X's life Page 109
[Introduction] Page 109
There's a worldwide revolution going on Page 111
Not just an American problem, but a world problem Page 151

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