"The Black Book: The True Political Philosophy of Malcolm X" Yussuf Naim Kly (1986)

This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of the political thought of the great African-American Muslim martyr, MALCOLM X. It is the first to illustrate the influence of his islamic faith and his international experience upon his constantly developing political vision.

Dr. Yussuf Naim Kly is uniquely suited to edit and compile this book. As the former Chairman of the Canadian Branch of the OAAU (Organization for African-American Unity), the political organization founded by Malcolm X, Dr. Kly combines the scholarly education and international experience of a political scientist and specialist in international law with his own personal and instruction by Malcolm X, to produce an informative, easy-to-read analysis which epitomizes the political thought of El Hajj Malik El Shabazz.

He is presently Associate Professor of International Law at a major Canadian University

Title: The Black Book:
The True Political Philosophy of Malcolm X(El Hajj Malik El Shabazz)
Author: Yussuf Naim Kly
Publisher: Clarity Press
Year: 1986 (The 1st edition)
Number of pages: 91


:: Contents ::

The methology
El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, The American
The Afro-American, The Muslim

Struggle and Martydom in Islam

The Purpose of of struggle (Jihad)
The Moral significance of the Just struggle
The Mujahid
The Right to leave areas of oppression or wrong doing
The Importance of life
The Duty to help the poor and oppressed
The Struggle and reward
Advantages acquired in struggle
Captives and Victory
Respect for agreements


Hajji Malik El Shabazz Biographical statement
The Universal linkage of the Afro-American problem
The Choices
Just reform
To Struggle or to Acquiesce
The Africans and their internationallly protected human rights
Revolution and national liberation
An Armed struggle for self-determination or national liberation
The Root of an armed naational liberation struggle
The Ideals of the people
a) Nationalist or national liberation
b) Socialist and communist
c) Reawakening Islam
d) Humanism (The Third universal theory)
e) Points in common
The Revolutionary individual
The Central Revolutionary Organization
Revolutionary standards
The Soldier of Allah (poem)
The Bigger picture
Through the eye of the poor (poem)

EPILOGUE by Clerence Johnson

El Hajj Malik El Shabazz´s view of Minority Revolution-American structual change (an abstract)

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