"Notes from Prison, 1983-1988" Alija Ali Izetbegovic

As the leading Muslim political spokesman and intellectual, Izetbegovic was imprisoned by the Yugoslavian government in 1983 for a 14-year sentence. During the six years he served in prison, Izetbegovic wrote notes on life issues, religion and culture, and politics and political philosophy. These reflections were smuggled out of prison and edited for publication along with a selection of letters from his family. After describing prison life, Izetbegovic has organized his reflections into sections. From his first note "When I lose the reasons to live, I shall die," Izetbegovic provides a provocative collection of reflections that will interest scholars and researchers of contemporary Balkans, European Islam, and life during the last days of Communist Yugoslavia.

(Greenwood Press, 2001)

Number of pages: 264


Chapter 1 - On Life People and Freedom
Chapter 2 - On Religion and Morality
Chapter 3 - Political Notes
Chapter 4 - Islam Between East and West
Chapter 5 - Communism and Nazism
Chapter 6 - Thoughts on Islam - Historical and Other Observations
Appendix - From My Children's Letters

Populární příspěvky z tohoto blogu

Neil Postman o televizi, serióznosti médií, (ne)vědění, zábavě a hypermoderním člověku (1988)

"Budujeme pohraničí" Zdeněk Forman, Vojtěch Jasný, Karel Kachyňa (k 100. výročí Vojtěcha Jasného)

Neil Postman "Mizející dětství" (2001, @SUNY Fredonia), 75 min.

O mně / About me

Rozhovor s básníkem a spisovatelem Langston Hughesem (rozmlouvá Eva Corey, @WBAI, 13. 6. 1963)