"The Calligrapher's Garden" Hassan MASSOUDY

Hassan Massoudy´s elegant calligraphy depicts the four seasons of the garden. From the icy palettes of winter, to delicate spring growth; from the dazzling sunshine and blooms of summer through the fading hues of autumn, he captures in calligraphy what countless poets have wrought with words. Massoudy draws his seasonal inspirations from writters, artists and luminaries such as Kahlil Gibran, Henri Matisse and Lao Tzu, as well as from Hungarian, Spanish Turkish and Japanese proverbs. Hassan Massoudy was born in Najaf (Iraq). He moved to France in 1969, where he studied at L´Ecole des Beaux-Arts.

His work has been exhibited throughout Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, and is in the permanent collections of the British Museum and the Jordan National Gallery od Fine Arts, among others. Nineteen books of his calligraphy have been published in France, along with his autobiography.

More info:

Hassan Massoudy @Artsy

Hassan Massoudy´s website

Name: The Calligrapher's Garden
Author: Hassan MASSOUDY
Language: Arabic, English
Publisher: SAQI, London
Year: 2010
Number of pages: 124

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