"A black reader: texts on African American history and culture" Christopher Erwin Koy, John A. Williams (2004)

Název: A black reader: texts on African American history and culture
Editors: Christopher Erwin Koy (*1963), John A. Williams (*1925 – 2015)
Nakl.: Dobrá Voda (Aleš Čeněk)
Rok: 2004
Počet stran: 335 s.

Table of Contents


Section A: The Slave Trade
1. Olaudah Equiano, Excerpts from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano
2. Louis Asa-Asa, “The Negro Boy’s Narrative”
3. Benjamin Franklin, “The Speech of Sidi Mehemet Ibraham”
4. Guy Stevens Callender, Excerpt from “The Economics of Slavery”
5. Poems: Williams, Wright, and Brown

Section B: A Slave’s Fate
1. Louis Hughes, Excerpt from Thirty Years a Slave 1831-1862: The Autobiography of Louis Hughes
2. Martin Delany, Excerpt from The Condition, Elevation, Emigration and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States
3. Madison Hemings, “Reminiscences of Madison Hemings”
4. Nat Turner and Thomas Gray, The Confessions of Nat Turner
5. Harriet Jacobs, Excerpts from Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
6. Poems: Horton, Whitman, and Harper

Section C: The Civil War
1. Frederick Douglass, “Men of Color, To Arms!”
2. John A. Williams, Excerpt from Captain Blackman
3. Charlotte Forten, Excerpts from Journal
4. Abraham Lincoln, “The Second Inaugural Address”
5. Elizabeth Keckley, Excerpt from Behind the Scenes

Section D: Post Civil War Period
1. Charles Chesnutt, “The Sheriff’s Children”
2. Paul Lawrence Dunbar, “The Scapegoat”
3. Alice Dunbar-Nelson, “Hope Deferred”
4. James Douglas Suggs, “Killing Colored Brakesmen”

Section E: The Black Renaissance
1. Jean Toomer,“Blood-Burning Moon”
2. Zora Neale Hurston, “Magnolia Flower”
3. James Weldon Johnson, Excerpt from Black Manhattan
4. Walter White, “A Negro Doctor in the South”
5. Poems: McKay, Fauset, Cullen, and Dandridge

Section F: Civil Rights
1. Christopher Koy, “Local Laws Versus Federal Legislation”
2. Martin Luther King, Jr., “A Letter from a Selma, Alabama, Jail”
3. John A. Williams, “Malcolm and Martin”
4. William Mahoney, “In Pursuit of Freedom”

Section G: Recent Literary Samples
1. John A. Williams, “Son in the Afternoon”
2. Langston Hughes, “Cracker Prayer”
3. John A. Williams, Excerpt from Mothersill and the Foxes
4. Poems: Baraka, Williams, and Harper

Section H: The International Scene
1. W.E.B. DuBois,“The Negro Mind Reaches Out: The Shadow of England”
2. John A. Williams, “Black Man in Europe”
3. John Lewis “The Trip”
4. Christopher E. Koy “Mandela, South Africa and the TRC”

Section I: Recent Declines
1. U.S. Commission on Human Rights, “Confronting Racial Isolation in Miami”
2. Christopher E. Koy, “The 1992 Race Riots in L.A.: An Overview”
3. U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, “Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election”

Primary Literature
Secondary Literature
About the Editors and the Authors

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