Alex Haley Tells the Story of His Search for Roots

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...It was he and they who began to open up to me doors to places where there are records of slave ships
There are more records of slave ships than one would dream.
It seems inconceivable until you reflect that for 200 years ships sailed carrying cargos of slaves."
and there are boxes of them, the records, which have never even been opened,
nobody´s had an occasion, particularly to go into them, lately.
And, ...anyway, to compress,... I worked for about seven solid weeks.
The rest of the research, I could stand up here 6 hours I guess and talk, but I´m not gonna do that.
It would just be telling about, what happened, in the way of the research ...,the drama, the adventure of it,
across 9 years finally to flesh out the book that took another 3 years to write. The Book called "Roots".
I learned, I have tried to share with people, a lot about, the history of black people.
And when I got myself very aware of the history of black people,
I began to reflect upon how little I had known at the outset.
What a hoax I felt had been pulled on me by many forces, that I had got to be a grown man and knew
next to nothing about, own people !!!
Aley Haley, 1977
Alex Haley Tells the Story of His Search for Roots
(2LP, Warner bros.)
Beat: Mecca Audio
Sample: Milt Jackson - Who Can I Turn To?
(August 11, 1921 -- February 10, 1992)
Rest in Peace