"Baldwin: Collected Essays" (1998, Library of America)

This volume of essays by James Baldwin presents the texts of Notes of a Native Son (1955), Nobody Knows My Name: More Notes of a Native Son (1961), The Fire Next Time (1963), No Name in the Street (1972), and The Devil Finds Work (1976), followed by a selection of 36 essays published between 1948 and 1985.

Most of Baldwin's earliest published writings were reviews and essays that appeared in publications such as Commentary, The Nation, The New Leader, and the Paris-based journal Zero. In 1954, Sol Stein, an editor at Beacon Press, proposed that Baldwin collect these reviews and articles in book form. In preparing the collection Baldwin revised and retitled some of the essays, and arranged the contents along thematic lines.

The present volume offers a selection of 36 essays in a section titled "Other Essays." The texts printed here are taken from their original publication in periodicals or books. (Twenty-five of these essays, indicated by * below, were collected in The Price of the Ticket, published in 1985, and one was published for the first time as the introduction to that volume.) The following list gives the source of each text.

Text by Literary Classics of the United States, Inc.

Author: James Baldwin (1924-1987)
Title: Collected Essays: Notes of a Native Son • Nobody Knows My Name •
The Fire Next Time • No Name in the Street • The Devil Finds Work • other essays
Publisher: New York, Library of America
Year: 1998
Number of pages: 869

:: Table of Contents ::

•Notes of a Native Son◦Autobiographical Notes
◦Everybody's Protest Novel
◦Many Thousands Gone
◦Carmen Jones: The Dark is Light Enough
◦The Harlem Ghetto
◦Journey to Atlanta
◦Notes of a Native Son
◦Encounter on the Seine: Black Meets Brown
◦A Question of Identity
◦Equal in Paris
◦Stranger in the Village
•Nobody Knows My Name◦The Discovery of What it Means To Be an American
◦Princes and Powers
◦Fifth Avenue, Uptown: A Letter from Harlem
◦East River, Downtown: Postscript to a Letter from Harlem
◦A Fly in Buttermilk
◦Nobody Knows My Name: A Letter from the South
◦Faulkner and Desegregation
◦In Search of a Majority
◦Notes for a Hypothetical Novel
◦The Male Prison
◦The Northern Protestant
◦Alas, Poor Richard
◦The Black Boy Looks at the White Boy
•The Fire Next Time◦My Dungeon Shook: Letter to My Nephew
◦Down At the Cross: Letter from a Region in My Mind
•No Name in the Street
•The Devil Finds Work
•Other Essays◦Smaller than Life
◦History as Nightmare
◦The Image of the Negro
◦Lockridge: 'The American Myth'
◦Preservation of Innocence
◦The Negro at Home and Abroad
◦The Crusade of Indignation
◦Sermons and Blues
◦On Catfish Row: Porgy and Bess in the Movies
◦They Can't Turn Back
◦The Dangerous Road Before Martin Luther King
◦The New Lost Generation
◦The Creative Process
◦A Talk to Teachers
◦"This Nettle, Danger..."
◦Nothing Personal
◦Words of a Native Son
◦The American Dream and the American Negro
◦On the Painter Beauford Delaney
◦The White Man's Guilt
◦A Report from Occupied Territory
◦Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They're Anti-White
◦White Racism or World Community
◦Sweet Lorraine
◦How One Black Man Came to Be an American
◦An Open Letter to Mr. Carter
◦Last of the Great Masters
◦Every Good-bye Ain't Gone
◦If Black English Isn't a Language, Then Tell Me, What is?
◦Open Letter to the Born Again
◦Dark Days
◦Notes on the House of Bondage
◦Introduction to Notes of a Native Son, 1984
◦Freaks and the American Ideal of Manhood
◦The Price of the Ticket
•Note on the Texts

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