Peter Tosh on his music

"I'm living in a world of ignorance, where everything that is righteous is condemned. When I come on stage, it's not to entertain and just smile, because my songs are not smiling songs. My songs are a revolution. How can you sing a revolution, which you know is a threat to society and when you do these things, you become a threat to society So when you´re doing these things which are a threat which you know. Why should you smile?"

Peter Tosh (1944 – 1987)

Populární příspěvky z tohoto blogu

"Budujeme pohraničí" Zdeněk Forman, Vojtěch Jasný, Karel Kachyňa (k 100. výročí Vojtěcha Jasného)

Neil Postman "Mizející dětství" (2001, @SUNY Fredonia), 75 min.

O mně / About me

Neil Postman o televizi, serióznosti médií, (ne)vědění, zábavě a hypermoderním člověku (1988)