RIP Ronald Bell aka Khalis Bayyan, you´ve made it home, brother. See you there, insha´llah.

foto: Courtesy of Tia Sinclair Bell

Ronald Bell also known as Khalis Bayyan

(November 1, 1951 – September 9, 2020) 

was an American composer, singer, songwriter, arranger, producer, saxophonist and co-founding member of Kool & the Gang. In 1972 Ronald Bell joined the Nation of Islam and became Ronald Five X. Later he converted to Sunni Islam and the name Khalis Bayyan was given by Imam Warith Deen Mohammed (son of Elijah Muhammad who shifted the NOI movement to the orthodox Islam in 1975 after his father died).
Bell was married to Tia Sinclair Bell and had 10 children.

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