"Color and Race" John Hope Franklin (Ed.), Houghton Mifflin Company, 1968

Color and Race
John Hope Franklin, Editor (1915–2009)
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company
1968 (First edition)
391 pages

Color and Race in the Modern World / Hope Franklin, John
Color, the Universal Intellectual Community and the Afro-Asian Intellectual / Shils, Edward
Race and Color in International Relations / Gardiner, Robert K.A.
Color, Racism and Christianity / Bastide, Roger
The Revolt Against Western Values / Mason, Philip
Group Identity and Political Change: The role of color and physical characteristics / Isaacs, Harold R.
An Outline of the Role of Color in Adaptation Phenomena / Raveau, François
The Significance of Skin Color in Human Relations / Gergen, Kenneth J.
The Social Perception of Skin Color in Japan / Wagatsuma, Hiroshi
Race and Descent as Social Categories in India / Béteille, André
Color in Nothern Africa / Brown, Leon Carl
Color and Power in the South African Situation / Legum, Colin
The "Colored Immigrant" in Britain / Braithwaite, E.R.
Some Aspects of Color, Class ans Culture in Britain / Little, Kenneth
Color and Group Identity in United States / Lincoln, C. Eric
Race, Color and Class in Central America and the Andes / Pitt-Rivers, Julian
The Weight of the Past / Fernandes, Florestan
Race and Color in the West Indies / Lowenthal, David
The Problem of Polarization on the Axis of Color / Parsons, Talcott.

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