"African Muslims in Antebellum America" Allan D. Austin (1997)

Allan Austin, noted scholar of antebellum black writing and history, here tells the remarkable stories of dozens of African Muslims who were taken as slaves between 1730 and 1860.

Possessors of strong identities and a powerful faith, African Muslims made an impressive but understudied impact on America. From their proud insistence on covering their bodies, praying to one God, reading and writing in Arabic, and adhering to positive attitudes about Africa and Islam throughout the Antebellum period, these Africans aroused much apprehension in and commanded many accommodations from their American purchasers. As many were experienced leaders in political, religious, commercial, military or agricultural matters in Africa -- some were returned to Africa while others became leaders within the slave system in America.

A condensation and updating of his African Muslims in Antebellum America: A Sourcebook (1984), noted scholar of antebellum black writing and history Dr. Allan D. Austin explores, via portraits, documents, maps, and texts, the lives of 50 sub-Saharan non-peasant Muslim Africans caught in the slave trade between 1730 and 1860.

(text by publisher)

Title: African Muslims in Antebellum America: Transatlantic Stories and Spiritual Struggles
Author: Allan D. Austin
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 1997 (1st edition 1984)
Number of pages: 216 

:: Table Of Contents ::



List of Maps and Illustrations

1."There Are Good Men in America, but All Are Very Ignorant of Africa and Its Muslims"
2. Glimpses of Seventy-Five African Muslims in Antebellum North America
3. Job Ben Solomon: African Nobleman and a Father of African American Literature
4. Abd ar-Rahman and His Two Amazing American Journeys
5. Bilali Mohammed and Salih Bilali: Almaamys on Georgia's Sapelo and St. Simon's Islands
6. Lamine Kebe, Educator
7. Umar ibn Said's Legend(s), Life, and Letters
8. The Transatlantic Trials of Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua
9. Mohammed Ali ben Said, or Nicholas Said: His Travels on Five Continents

Ayuba Suleiman Diallo

Omar ibn Sayyid

Abdul-Rahman Ibrahim ibn Sori 

Omar ibn Sayyid writting of sura 110.

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Rozhovor s básníkem a spisovatelem Langston Hughesem (rozmlouvá Eva Corey, @WBAI, 13. 6. 1963)