2 x black american short stories by Langston Hughes and John Henrik Clarke

"The best short stories by Negro writers: an anthology from 1899 to the present
Langston Hughes (Little, Brown and Company, 1967)

"American Negro short stories" John Henrik Clarke (Hill and Wang, 1966)

"American Negro short stories"
Autor: John Henrik Clarke
Hill and Wang, 1966
355 pages

Table of Contents
"The Lynching of Jube Benson," Paul Laurence Dunbar
"On Being Crazy," W. E. B. Du Bois
"The Goophered Grapevine," Charles Waddell Chesnutt
"The City of Refuge," Rudolph Fisher
"The Overcoat," John P. Davis
"Truant," Claude McKay
"A Summer Tragedy," Arna Bontemps
"The Gilded Six-Bits," Zora Neal Hurtson
"Bright and Morning Star," Richard Wright
"The Boy Who Painted Christ Black," John Henrik Clarke
"One Friday Morning," Langston Hughes
"So Peaceful in the Country," Carl Ruthven Offord
"And/Or," Sterling Brown
"Fighter," John Caswell Smith
"The Homecoming," Frank Yerby
"How John Boscoe Outsung the Devil," Arthur P. Davis
"Solo on the Drums," Ann Petry
"Mama's Missionary Money," Chester Himes
"See How They Run," Mary Elizabeth Vroman
"Exodus," James Baldwin
"God Bless America," John O. Killens
"Train Whistle Guitar," Albert Murray
"The Senegalese," Hoyt W. Fuller
"A Matter of Time," Frank London Brown
"Cry for Me," William Melvin Kelley
"Reena," Paule Marhsall
"The Convert," Lerone Bennett, Jr.
"The Winds of Change," Loyle Hairston
"The Screamers," LeRoi Jones
"Sarah," Martin J. Hamer
"The Sky Is Gray," Ernest J. Gaines
"On Trains," James Alan McPherson
"Marigolds," Eugenia W. Collier
"Steady Going Up," Maya Angelou
"Everyday Use," Alice Walker
"The Organizer's Wife," Toni Cade Bambara
"Jesse," Rosemarie Robotham
"The Wife," Jennifer Jordan

Biographical Notes

"The best short stories by Negro writers: an anthology from 1899 to the present ; with an introduction"
Author: Langston Hughes
Little, Brown and Company, 1967
508 pages

The sheriff's children / Charles W. Chesnutt
The scapegoat / Paul Laurence Dunbar
Fern / Jean Toomer
Miss Cynthie / Rudolph Fisher
The warf rats / Eric Walrond
A summer tragedy / Arna Bontempts
Thank you, M'am / Langston Hughes
The gilded six-bits / Zora Neale Hurston
The Revolt of the evil fairies / Ted Poston
Almos' a man / Richard Wright
Marihuana and a pistol / Chester B. Himes
The beach umbrella / Cyrus Colter
The richer, the poorer / Dorothy West
The almost white boy / Willard Motley
Afternoon into night / Katherine Dunham
Flying home / Ralph Ellison
Come home early, chile / Owen Dodson
Santa Claus is a white man / John Henrik Clarke
The stick up / John Oliver Killens
Health card / Frank Yerby
We're the only colored people here / Gwendolyn Brooks
The pocketbook game / Alice Childress
The checkerboard / Alston Anderson.
This morning, this evening, so soon / James Baldwin
See how they run / Mary Elizabeth Vroman
The blues begins / Sylvester Leaks
Son in the afternoon / John A. Williams
Singing Dinah's song / Frank London Brown
Duel with the clock / Junis Edwards
Barbados / Paule Marshall
The day the world almost came to an end / Pearl Crayton
An interesting social study / Kristin Hunter
A new day / Charles Wright
Quietus / Charlie Russell
Mother to son / Conrad Kent Rivers
A long day in November / Ernest J. Gaines
Miss Luhester gives a party / Ronald Fair
The death of Tommy Grimes / R.J. Meaddough III
Old blues singers never die / Clifford Vincent Johnson
The only man on Liberty Street / William Melvin Kelley
Beautiful light and black our dreams / Woodie King Jr.
Red bonnet / Linsey Patterson
The burglar / Lebert Bethune
Junkie-Joe had some money / Ronald Milner
Direct action / Mike Thelwell
The engagement party / Robert Boles
To hell with dying / Alice Walker

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O mně / About me

Rozhovor s básníkem a spisovatelem Langston Hughesem (rozmlouvá Eva Corey, @WBAI, 13. 6. 1963)