
Zobrazují se příspěvky z leden, 2020

The Blaze "Territory" (2017)

We've waited for this day We shared some tears of love now Like a desert in the rain When the sun of the day went down There's nobody like my mom There's no place like my home since I was born When I was young The flavor is so strong I've missed it so long now These people are my heroes From distant sky They light me up with flying clouds This ever gets me high like a cool blunt smoke I'm shining like the moon I'm feeling like a bloom in the black sun I remember when I was young The flavor is so strong I've missed it so long Music video directed by The Blaze Actor : Dali Benssalah Published on Feb 23, 2017

الوالدية‎ | al-walidiya | Oualidia (Morocco)

 Oualidia (Moroccan Arabic: الوالدية‎ l-walidiya) is a coastal village in Morocco situated between cities El Jadida and Safi. Muslim cemetery in Oualidia

Casablanca, Morocco (01/2020)


"Five tracts of Hasan Al-Banna (1906-1949): A selection from the Majmuat rasail al-Imam al-shahid Hasan al-Banna" Translated by Charles Wendell (University of California, 1978)

Hasan Al-Banna preceded with his work and thus left an imprint on many attempts in the years between the two wars, and especially after the Second World War, to constitute an Islamic order as the supreme political and social ideal. The publication under review contains his five studies translated into English by well-known Arabist and historian Charles Wendell. These are his most often cited essays - Between Yesterday and Today, Our Mission, To What Do We Summon Mankind?, Toward The Light and On Jihad. The main idea is always oriented toward the creation of an Islamic order (an-nizam al-islami). Hasan Al-Banna sees in Islam the only teaching that can ensure social progress and well-being and that is the key to the resolving of all basic problems of mankind. In the above-mentioned essays he tries to explain why, in his opinion, the establishment of an Islamic order is inevitable. According to his concept, there is only one valid law, namely the law of God that has to be impl...

Langston Hughes reads his poem "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" (1921)

Langston Hughes  "Černoch mluví o řekách"  Poznal jsem řeky... Poznal jsem řeky zaniklého světa, jež proudí déle než krev v lidských žilách. Má duše je stejně hluboká jako ty řeky Za brzkého jitra jsem se omyl v Eufratu. Svou chatrč jsem postavil poblíž Konga, které mě pomalu ukolébalo. Podíval jsem se na Nil a postavil u něj pyramidy. Uslyšel jsem zpěv Mississippi, když Abrahám Lincoln přišel do New Orleans, a viděl jsem její kalné vody, které se při západu proměnily ve zlato. Poznal jsem řeky... Dávné, temné řeky, A má duše je stejně hluboká jako ty řeky